Papers by Researchers and Self-Advocates Examine Informed Choice

The National Association of State Directors of Developmental Disabilities Services (NASDDDS),in collaboration with ICI, published a fourth in a series of five white papers highlighting topics influencing employment outcomes and services for individuals supported by state intellectual and developmental disabilities (I/DD) agencies.

The latest paper provides an in-depth analysis on the concept of informed choice. It examines how making informed choices can contribute to improved employment outcomes for people with I/DD. The paper also explores the legal and policy context for fostering informed choice for all individuals, and the impacts of systemic initiatives furthering meaningful informed choice.

Members of Self Advocates Becoming Empoweredand Green Mountain Self-Advocatesreviewed NASDDDS’s white paper on informed choice and decision-making, and wrote this response.

We’re pleased to be advancing the conversation on this important topic, and to have a wide range of voices at the table to debate, discuss, and move policy and practice forward.